Binder Riha Associates for years has helped clients improve performance on the job. Visiting their site the other day, I found a description of their Six Boxes ® model (as well as related services and workshops).
Why mention the model? Because it’s a great way to look at the big picture of performance improvement. As Binder Riha’s overview says, the Six Boxes model builds on Thomas Gilbert’s thinking. It’s a crisp way to summarize factors that influence performance:
(This table copyright © 2005 Binder Riha Associates; used by permission.
You can click the table for further explanation at the Six Boxes site.)
…Here on my Whiteboard, I’d been using the Basic training category to tag posts related to items like job aids or effective instruction. I’ve also used it for posts like this one, but rereading nudges me to add a category for Improving performance. I may go back and add that to other items. The focus for those will be the broader picture; Basic training will stick with more straightforward skill-and-knowledge stuff.
Dave, we very much appreciate your letting people know about our Six Boxes® Model and web sites. Thank you VERY much for your reference to it. We do owe it to our intellectual property attorneys, however, to remind you that Six Boxes is a registered trademark of Binder Riha Associates, an that the specific language and layout of The Six Boxes Model is copyrighted. So we would appreciate your adding the Circle-R symbol when you refer to the Six Boxes the first time, and if you email me, i’m happy to grant you permission to reproduce it. If there is anything we can do in exchange to help you, please let me know.
Carl Binder, PhD
Senior Partner
Binder Riha Associates
Bainbridge Island, WA