Getting graphic

I’d been wishing for some tool to easily create simple graphics (including text-and-graphics) for use online.  Things like flowcharts or other graphic depictions of ideas.  Maybe text boxes with bullets.  Things like this:

As you see, I found it.  Gliffy allows you many different combinations of text and graphics.  In the example above, I uploaded a jpeg (the typewriter keyboard) and dragged it into my fabulous flowchart.

Thanks (as so often the case) to Alan Levine, who described Gliffy in an engaging wiki page called I Didn’t Know You Could Do That with Free Web Tools.

One thought on “Getting graphic

  1. Thanks for the review of Gliffy. We are very appreciative. If you have any suggestions and/or feedback please drop us a line at our newly revamped website! Thanks,
    debik at gliffy dot com

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