Water problem leaves me at sea

A 48-inch water main in my county ruptured on Sunday night, though I didn’t learn about it till Monday evening. (Apparently I need to check the local news or its feed more often.)

Usage restrictions have been lifted, but the local water authority’s “latest update” (currently 11 hours old) says that residents of certain areas should boil water “as a precaution” for the next three days. They provide a link to a map for those areas:

You can click that image if you’re so inclined. I’m still trying to figure stuff out:

  • If they’re serious when they say RED AREA: BOIL WATER ADVISORY IN EFFECT, how come the red area extends beyond the tops of clickable areas A1 and A2?
  • And beyond the top of the map?
  • How come the current announcement and the FAQs don’t say how long to boil water? (That helpful info is in paragraph 3 of the advisory issued on Monday at 7:15 a.m.)

As you may have guessed, I live in the terra incognita beyond the top edge of this nonscrolling map. Way out in the wilderness somewhere past the A1/A2 border, with the other 40,000-plus residents of my tiny  village.  Hic sunt marmotae monaxae.

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