Working/Learning blog carnival

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.I like anthologies. How could I go to the beach without Gardner Dozois? And while I might be financially better off without Green Linnet’s Celtophile series of CDs, my shelves and my heart would be emptier in more ways than one.

Blog carnivals are a kind of anthology-on-the-fly, a collection of posts from several blogs. For each issue of a carnival, participants post on their own blogs, and a host posts links to all the participating posts. Like with Encephalon, the cognitive-science carnival.

I invited a few people to kick off a carnival under this particular tent: “Work at learning; learning at work.” I was thinking that posts and participants would connect in some way to training or learning in the workplace (as opposed to school or higher education). And I encouraged the invitees to suggest another blogger people might not have read.

Herewith, the first Working/Learning Blog Carnival:

Some other folks weren’t able to contribute in time for this first carnival. I think we’ll do it again and help widen the range of thoughts that people share about working and learning.

10 thoughts on “Working/Learning blog carnival

  1. Dave,

    I think these carnival are a great idea. It goes right to the heart of being connected – bringing together knowledgeable people in specific fields to create up-to-the-minute discussions on those. They are a great way to get insights or even overviews on the subjects.

    Ken Caroll

  2. I agree, Ken. I’m hoping the “work at learning, learning at work” framework will give just enough focus while allowing participants plenty of room to highlight their individual interests. And Manish Mohan has already agreed to host the April carnival.

  3. Hey Dave!
    I just wanted to thank you for the two comments over at the LifeLong Learning Lab. And absolutely YES, I would love to participate in a blog carnival when you do another. What a great idea!

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