Stephen Downes (of course) links to Mission to Learn, where Jeff Cobb makes available Learning 2.0 for Associations (link is to the post).
Here’s the 116-page document as a PDF (5 megabytes); the original SlideShare link is in the post.
Cobb writes in a clear, calm, non-technical style. He includes a host of examples (highway-safety podcasts that include interviews with truck drivers) . I particulary liked the “possibilities” boxes with a few bullets suggesting applications of each technology.
He also quotes Stephen Downes on differences between groups and networks, a distinction worth keeping in mind:
Groups require unity; networks require diversity.
Groups require coherence;
networks require autonomy.Groups require privacy or segregation;
networks require openness.Groups require focus of voice;
networks require interaction.
Dave–Thanks for mentioning the Learning 2.0 eBook here and for the specific comments on what you found interesting/likeable about it. I just responded to a comment over on Mission to Learn that I don’t think I did Downes’ thinking justice–hard to do in a work of this nature–but I hope I have alerted at least a few more people to it and also made Learning 2.0 as a general concept a but more accessible.
My pleasure. I think your book has particular value for people who aren’t early adopters — the folks who are trying to deal with a problem, or seize an opportunity.