(Updated 3/16: if you’re looking for the current Working/Learning blog carnival, it’s over here.)
When your to-do list includes the item “check to-do list,” it’s time to get things up to date. For me, one of the best ways to learn a lot quickly is a blog carnival.
If you haven’t seen one (where’ve you been?), that’s a periodic anthology. One blogger acts as the host, posting descriptions and links to a bunch of other blogs. Each participating blogger offers his or her contribution to the carnival’s overall them.
An example? I’m a fan of the Encephalon carnival (neuroscience and psychology). It’s in its 65th edition, with a dozen or more blogs taking turns as the host.
So I’m resuming the Working/Learning blog carnival, which started here last year. The theme’s simple: work at learning; learning at work. If you can get a blog post to fit into that tent, then why not take part?
I’ve got tips for participants, but the quick summary is:
- Write a post (ahead of time, even, if your blog software allows it)
- Send me a description ahead of time (dferguson at strathlorne dot com)
- Send me the permalink to the post
I’ll write the “host post” and have it appear on the day of the carnival. If you’re in a collaborative mood, mention the carnival in your post, and link back to the host post (so your readers can find the other participating blogs).
Don’t be shy. A carnival’s not only a good way to read blogs you might not ordinarily see, it’s not a bad way for other people to read yours. March 16th. That’ll leave you free for St. Patrick’s.
And if you’re thinking you might like to host the carnival (usual schedule: third Monday of the month), we can manage that too. Let me know you’re interested, and I’ll enroll you in the six-week host course induct you into the mysteries tell you what you’d like to know.
“Reopening” photo by luckygirllefty, used under a CC license.