Rearview mirror, or, back on (this) board

Janet Clarey via Twitter: try a 100-word post.

Hmmm… Today marks two years of my Whiteboard.
These twelve items each appeared around the 17th of a month:


2 thoughts on “Rearview mirror, or, back on (this) board

  1. Nicely done.

    The 100 word post was prompted a couple of things: my drafts of columns that have to be exactly 750 words; the 140 character limit on Twitter, and my professor in a dissertation class saying (basically)’anybody can summarize research in 200 pages. Skill is interpreting it in 25-50. There’s a lot to be said of brief, succinct messages. I find myself drifting away from long posts for some reason and suspect others may feel the same way.
    I enjoyed re-reading your “How I got this way” post.

  2. 100 words is pretty confining for me, so perhaps I cheated with a post full of admittedly self-referential links. Still, as poet Robert Francis said of a sestina, “If you drape thirty-nine iron chains around your arms and shoulders and then do a dance, the whole point of the dance will be to seem light and effortless.”

    I drift away from some long posts, too, which is sad considering the average length of mine. But then, sometimes when I’m talking with someone, I interrupt myself.

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